Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Everyone loves a Cornetto!

Now, I am sure all of us have eaten a Cornetto at some time or the other. Ah! the pleasure of biting into the Cornetto! Are you surprised to know that it has been around since the '60's according to this article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornetto_(ice_cream))?

If by now, you have not already started drooling over this as I have, here is some more temptation for you:

Aha! Now, try resisting this! :-)

Hold on, this is not a blog about Cornetto itself or ice creams or chocolates (sigh! how I wish it was!) itself, this is a blog about Marketing/Analytics.

Have you ever wondered what makes the Cornetto a favorite ice cream for many of us? I mean, sure there are a dozen ice creams out there and newer and better ones at that, but the Cornetto does seem to hold a small, special place..I will tell you what my top reason for loving the Cornetto is (and I am sure I will hear a few dozen yes's to this) - 

a) It looks yummy for starters
b) The first bite is full of Ice cream and nuts and your chosen flavour

And you go wow, that was sure nice but then the follow-through experience is even more yummy, ain't it? Once you bite through the ice cream, the chocolate! Yes!!! the chocolate is hidden and comes as a slurrp-pleasant surprise! You just want more of it! 

But wait, it isn't over yet - 

The very last bite of the waffle cone - again, there is just that last bit of chocolate that makes you go wow! 

A complete "I-Scream" experience, if there is one!

Good Marketing is just this - if you are able to deliver a Cornetto experience to your customers/TA/Segment, you are probably doing it right. 

The first look, the first bite, the follow-through and the climax - if we are able to package all these elements well in our offers to customers, we will hit bullseye sooner or later.

Unfortunately, for many brands, if the eDMs are fantastic, the follow-through customer experience is not just that great (coupled with the fact that we are talking channel-agnostic experience), if our follow-through experience is just great, our last-mile execution and actual delivery to the customer sucks.

If you have had such great experiences with brands, kindly leave a note. Happy to note your comments and eat my Cornetto too!

Just one Cornetto,
give it to me,
delicious ice-cream, of Italy,
creamy vanilla and choco dream,
Give me a Cornetto,
from Wall's ice cream.

Cornetto, anyone?


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